
  1. Founding Figures: Jainism was founded by spiritual teachers called Tirthankaras, with Lord Rishabha being the first and Lord Mahavira being the 24th and most prominent.
  2. Non-Theistic: Jainism is non-theistic; it does not believe in a creator god.
  3. Ahimsa: The core principle of Jainism is ahimsa, or non-violence, which extends to all living beings.
  4. Vegetarianism: Jains are strict vegetarians, avoiding harm to animals by not consuming meat, fish, or eggs.
  5. Asceticism: Many Jains choose to live an ascetic lifestyle, renouncing material possessions and leading a life of simplicity and self-discipline.
  6. Five Vows: Jain monks and nuns follow the five vows: ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (celibacy), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
  7. Karma: Jains believe in the accumulation of karma through actions, which affects the soul's progress toward liberation.
  8. Moksha: The ultimate goal in Jainism is achieving moksha, liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
  9. Jain Scriptures: The Jain canon includes texts like the Agamas and Angas, which contain teachings and principles.
  10. Three Jewels: Jains take refuge in three jewels: right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct.
  11. Digambara and Svetambara: Jainism is divided into two major sects, with the Digambara sect practicing nudity and asceticism and the Svetambara sect allowing monks to wear white robes.
  12. Tirtha and Pilgrimages: Jains visit pilgrimage sites, or tirthas, which hold religious significance. One famous tirtha is Shikharji.
  13. Jain Temples: Jain temples are known for their intricate architecture, often featuring idols and carvings of Tirthankaras.
  14. Jain Symbol: The Jain symbol is the "Swastika," symbolizing well-being and good luck.
  15. Panch Kalyanak: Jains celebrate five auspicious events in the lives of Tirthankaras: conception, birth, renunciation, enlightenment, and liberation.
  16. Samavasarana: The preaching assembly is an essential concept in Jainism, where Tirthankaras deliver sermons to both monks and laypeople.
  17. Jain Festivals: Mahavir Jayanti, Paryushana, and Diwali are some of the important Jain festivals.
  18. Anekantavada: This doctrine teaches the importance of multiple perspectives and non-absolutism in understanding the truth.
  19. Syadvada: Syadvada is a philosophical tool for expressing the multi-sided nature of truth, often summarized as "perhaps."
  20. Acharya: Acharyas are respected Jain spiritual teachers and scholars who lead monastic communities.
  21. Jain Art and Literature: Jainism has contributed significantly to Indian art, with illustrated manuscripts and temple sculptures depicting Tirthankaras and other spiritual figures.
  22. Jain Dietary Restrictions: In addition to vegetarianism, Jains avoid certain root vegetables and fruits, as uprooting them may harm small organisms.
  23. Compassion for All Beings: Jains practice compassion not only toward humans but also toward all living beings, including insects and plants.
  24. Jain Education: Jain institutions promote education, both religious and secular, and have played a role in preserving ancient knowledge.
  25. Global Jain Community: Jainism has followers around the world, with significant communities in India, the United States, Canada, and other countries.

Jainism is a religion that emphasizes spiritual development, ethical conduct, and non-violence, making it a unique and influential tradition in the religious landscape.

Short Text

Understand the teachings and principles of Jainism, another significant ancient Indian religious tradition


Who is considered the 24th and most prominent Tirthankara in Jainism?
What is the central principle of Jainism emphasizing non-violence?
Which color of robes do Svetambara Jain monks wear?
What is the term for the state of liberation from the cycle of birth and death in Jainism?
Which of the following vows is NOT one of the five vows followed by Jain monks and nuns?
What does the Jain symbol, the "Swastika," represent?
Which sect of Jainism practices nudity and asceticism among its monks?
What is the term for the Jain pilgrimage sites of religious significance?
Jainism's principle of "Anekantavada" emphasizes the importance of what?
Which event in the life of a Tirthankara is NOT one of the Panch Kalyanak celebrated by Jains?
What is the main objective of a Tirthankara's "Samavasarana"?
Which Jain festival celebrates the birth of Lord Mahavira?
What is the Jain doctrine that promotes the acceptance of multiple truths?
Which ancient Jain practice involves fasting and introspection during the rainy season?
Jain monks and nuns follow which of the following vows?
What is the term for the religious assembly where Tirthankaras preach to both monks and laypeople?
What does the term "Acharya" refer to in Jainism?
What is the Jain festival of lights that is also known as "Festival of Lamps"?
In Jainism, what is the primary goal of human life?
What is the Jain term for the practice of non-attachment and non-possession?
What does the Jain principle of "Syadvada" emphasize?
What is the term for the process of shedding accumulated karma in Jainism?
Which color of robes do Digambara Jain monks wear?
What is the significance of the Jain dietary restriction regarding certain root vegetables and fruits?
What is the Jain term for the act of confession and seeking forgiveness for one's faults?