
  1. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, founded Buddhism in ancient India around the 5th century BCE.
  2. Four Noble Truths: The foundation of Buddhist teachings, addressing the nature of suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the path to end suffering.
  3. Eightfold Path: A guide to ethical and mental development, consisting of right understanding, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.
  4. Karma: The law of cause and effect, determining one's future experiences based on past actions.
  5. Rebirth/Reincarnation: The belief that consciousness is reborn into new bodies, influenced by karma, until enlightenment is achieved.
  6. Nirvana: The ultimate goal, representing the end of suffering, rebirth, and the realization of one's true nature.
  7. Three Jewels/Refuges: Taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma (teachings), and Sangha (spiritual community).
  8. Theravada Buddhism: Emphasizes individual effort, monastic life, and adheres closely to the original teachings.
  9. Mahayana Buddhism: Emphasizes compassion, emphasizes the pursuit of enlightenment for all beings, and includes Zen, Pure Land, and Tibetan Buddhism.
  10. Bodhisattva: A being who postpones their own enlightenment to assist others in attaining it.
  11. Meditation: A fundamental practice for developing mindfulness, concentration, and insight.
  12. Dharma: Refers to both the teachings of the Buddha and the universal law governing reality.
  13. Sangha: The community of monks, nuns, and practitioners who support each other.
  14. Vipassana: A meditation technique emphasizing insight and mindfulness, often practiced in Theravada Buddhism.
  15. Mantra: Sacred sounds, words, or phrases used for meditation or rituals, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism.
  16. Stupas: Sacred monuments containing relics or artifacts linked to the Buddha or other revered figures.
  17. Anatta (Anatman): The concept of "not-self," asserting the absence of an unchanging, eternal self.
  18. Middle Way: The balanced approach to life advocated by the Buddha, avoiding extremes.
  19. Dependent Origination: The interconnected nature of all phenomena, illustrating how one thing arises from another.
  20. Metta (Loving-kindness): A practice cultivating unconditional love and compassion for all beings.
  21. Sutra: Canonical scriptures containing teachings and discourses of the Buddha.
  22. Zen Buddhism: Emphasizes direct experience and meditation, aiming for sudden enlightenment.
  23. Pure Land Buddhism: Focuses on devotion to Amitabha Buddha and the aspiration to be reborn in the Pure Land.
  24. Tibetan Buddhism: Incorporates Vajrayana practices, rituals, and the guidance of spiritual leaders like the Dalai Lama.
  25. Engaged Buddhism: Advocates applying Buddhist principles to social and environmental issues, emphasizing action and mindfulness in daily life.

Remember that Buddhism encompasses diverse traditions, practices, and interpretations that can vary significantly depending on cultural, geographical, and historical factors.



Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?
What is the ultimate goal of Buddhism?
What is the first noble truth in Buddhism?
What is the term for the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Buddhism?
Which Buddhist precept involves abstaining from harmful actions?
What is the symbol of Buddhism often associated with enlightenment?
What is the name of the Buddhist scriptures?
Which Buddhist concept refers to the law of moral causation?
What is the term for a meditation teacher in Buddhism?
Which Buddhist festival commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha?
What is the name of the Buddhist monastic community?
What is the middle path that Buddha taught to attain enlightenment?
Which type of Buddhism is known as the "Way of the Elders"?
What does the term "Buddha" mean?
Which animal is often associated with Buddha's birth?
What is the name of the famous meditation posture in Buddhism?
Which Buddhist concept refers to the illusion of an individual self?
Which country is home to the largest number of Buddhists?
What is the Buddhist term for loving-kindness and compassion?
What is the traditional gesture of Buddha's right hand touching the ground called?
What is the Buddhist term for the enlightened mind?
What is the significance of the "Three Jewels" in Buddhism?
What is the term for the ethical principles in Buddhism?
What is the name of the Buddhist festival celebrated with colorful lanterns?
Which Buddhist concept signifies the state of blissful peace and contentment?